Cost vs. Quality
As we feel the effects of the economic crunch, we try to save money wherever possible. However, caution needs to be exercised so that economizing does not result in a reduction of quality. Sometimes, we may create more problems and incur more costs by trying to cut corners.
Clay extrusion dies are a prime example. Excessive wear can have damaging repercussions. Excessive wear means not only less compaction of material, but usually results in more chipping and cracking, and most importantly, it usually results in inferior product.
This scenario holds true no matter whose die you are using. Columns can be run as hard as possible, but the compaction is not as good. A hard column means a column with less water which in turn reduces green strength. Penatrometer readings will be higher due to the dryness of the column, but compaction throughout lessens. This can cause the product to become less structurally sound.
When times get tough, quality becomes an even more important issue as it relates to the ability to sell the product.